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Events Listing
Colloquium | Tentative Speaker: Jacob Tsimerman
Colloquium | Tentative Speaker: Myron Groover
Colloquium/Nelson Lecture | Julia Wolf | When is a mathematical object well-behaved?
Statistics Seminar | Irene Botosaru
CANCELLED Colloquium | Patrick Naylor | Cutting 4-manifolds into three equal pieces
PDE/Analysis Seminar | Cy Maor | On ribbons that defy Gauss's Theorema Egregium: Why some molecules (and other structures) change shape as they grow
Deep Learning Theory & PhiMAC Seminar | Saber Jafarpour | Robust Implicit Networks via Non-Euclidean Contractions
MathBio Seminar | Marwa Tuffaha | Mutational Bias Shifts and Severe Environmental Stress Promote Mutator Emergence
Colloquium | Will Traves | Interpolation and Incidence
PDE/Analysis Seminar | Antonin Monteil | Metric methods for the existence of heteroclinic connections and their application to the existence of entire solutions of Allen-Cahn systems
MathBio Seminar | Khady Diagne | The remarkable rhythms of cardiac parasystole
Statistics Seminar | Yicen Li | Keep it Light! Simplifying Image Clustering via Text-Free Adapters
Colloquium | Lea Beneish | Degree D points on curves
MathBio Seminar | C. Greyson-Gaito & R. Zhao | Discussion of The lost art of mathematical modelling
Colloquium | Post-Doc Threads
Deep Learning Theory & PhiMAC Seminar | Juno Kim | Transformers are Minimax Optimal Nonparametric In-Context Learners
MathBio Seminar | Rebecca Tyson | Phase-sensitive tipping in ecosystems: A new mechanism for extinction
AIMS Seminar | Jiaqi Han | Algebraic solitons in the massive Thirring model
Britton Lecture/Colloquium | Henry Schenck | Symmetry, Physics...and Algebra?: Calabi-Yau Manifolds to Gorenstein Rings
Deep Learning Theory & PhiMAC Seminar | Paul Escande | On the Concentration of the Minimizers of Empirical Risks
Britton Lectures | Henry Schenck | Dynamical Systems: Synchronizing Fireflies Meet the Segre Variety
MathBio Seminar | Cindy Greenwood | A stochastic mechanism causing long and short transients near a bifurcation point
Britton Lecture | Henry Schenck | From Numerical Analysis to Vector Bundles on Projective Space
Britton Lecture | Henry Schenck | From Linear Programming to the Lefschetz Theorem
AIMS Seminar | Conor McCoid | Adaptive optimized Schwarz methods
Hanadi Test
PDE/Analysis Seminar | Anna Skorobogatova | Mod(q) area-minimizing surfaces: singularities and structure
Geometry & Topology Seminar | Pei-Ken Hung | On the Horowitz-Myers conjecture
Colloquium | Pei-Ken Hung | Mass in general relativity
Geometry & Topology Seminar | Tamara Hogan | A knot theoretic interpretation of the Goldman-Turaev Lie bialgebra
Statistics Seminars | Pengfei Cai | Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) Copula Mixed Models for Multivariate Loss Reserving
Algebra Seminar | Brett Nasserden | Some progress on Fulton's local-global question
Casual Math Seminar | Jaden Saïd | Knots and Their Fibrations
Colloquium | Thomas Engels | Wavelets meet insects: adaptive numerical simulations of turbulent flows
Geometry & Topology Seminar | Patricia Sorya | Bounding non-integral non-characterizing Dehn surgeries
Number theory seminar - Dan Barake - An introduction to p-adic VOAs
Casual Math Seminar | Geunyoung Kim | High-dimensional contractible manifolds
AIMS Lab Seminar - Michael Welland - Holistic multiphysics modelling: integrating thermodynamics and multiphysics transport modelling at the mesoscale and up
Colloquium | Danny Ruberman | Diffeomorphism groups of 4-manifolds
PDE Seminar | Boris Shakarov | NLS on Quantum Graphs and the Shrinking Limit for Fractured Strips
Deep Learning Theory & PhiMAC Seminar | Maksim Velikanov | Tight convergence rate bounds for optimization under power law spectral conditions
Geometry & Topology Seminar (Additional Talk) | Danny Ruberman | Exotic aspherical 4-manifolds
Math Bio Seminar | Hermann Eberl | This Orchard is on Fire - A Spatio-Temporal Model of Blossom Blight
Math Bio Seminar (Additional Talk) | Daihai He | Enigma in modeling of COVID-19 and the 1978 influenza in a boarding school
Statistics Seminar | Hanna Jankowski | The isotonic single index model under fixed and random designs
Algebra Seminar | Alexandre Zotine | Computing Higher Direct Images of Toric Morphisms
Casual Math Seminar | Conor McCoid | Mozart Ex Machina: A toy example of an artificial neural network
AIMS Seminar | Kamil Khan | Recent advances in constructing convex relaxations for global optimization
Model Theory Seminar | Patrick Speissegger | Definability of the complex Gamma and Zeta functions (continuation)
PDE Seminar | Sergey Dyachenko | The Stokes waves on ideal fluid: modulational instability and wave breaking
Geometry & Topology for Grads | Francisco Villacis | An Introduction to Morse Homology
Deep Learning Theory & PhiMAC Seminar | Tin Sum Cheng | A Comprehensive Analysis on the Learning Curve in Kernel Ridge Regression
Geometry & Topology Seminar | Emma Albertini | Towards a uniqueness theorem for static black holes in Kaluza-Klein theory with small circle size
Math Bio Seminar | Connell McCluskey | Global Stability for Disease Models: Spotting Patterns
Number Theory Seminar | Alexandre Zotine | Kawaguchi--Silverman for Projective Bundles on Elliptic Curves
Statistics Seminar | David Dahl | Dependent Random Partitions by Shrinking Toward an Anchor
Algebra Seminar | Alexandre Zotine | Computing Higher Direct Images of Toric Morphisms
Model Theory Seminar | Patrick Speissegger | Definability of the complex Gamma and Zeta functions
Casual Math Seminar | Dylan McGinley | Introduction to Ricci Flows
Geometry & Topology for Grads | Mahan Moazzeni | An Introduction to Khovanov Homology: Old Results and the New Ones
Colloquium | Maxime Brenden | An introduction to computer-assisted proofs for nonlinear equations
Deep Learning Theory & PhiMAC Seminar | Ofer Neiman | Covering Metric Spaces by Few Trees
Math Bio Seminar | Evan Mitchell | Quantifying the Impact of COVID-19 Vaccines in Canada
Geometry & Topology Seminar | Puttipong Pongtanapaisan | Biquandle invariants of immersed surface-links
Algebra Seminar | Henry Potts-Rubin | DG Algebras & Edge Ideals of Trees
Casual Seminar | Ilgwon Seo | Complete Proofs of Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems
Geometry and Topology for Grads - Jeffrey Marshall-Milne - Projective Knot theory and an application of Dynikov's Algorithm
Geometry and Topology - Siyuan Lu - Interior C^2 estimate for Hessian quotient equation
Math Bio Seminar - Susmita Sadhu - Early warning signals of regime shifts in a two-timescale predator-prey model
Statistics Seminar - Camila Pedroso Estevam de Souza - Advancing Functional Data Clustering and Survival Analysis with Variational Inference
Casual Math Seminar - Leona Tilis - Sign patterns and the nSMP
Model Theory Seminar - Dicle Mutlu (McMaster) - Definable groups in henselian valued fields
Colloquium - Daniel Roy - Sets of Infinitesimal Measure: Closing Long-standing, Open Problems in Statistical Decision Theory via Nonstandard Analysis
Geometry and Topology for Grads (Hybrid) - Francisco Villacis - Integrable Systems and It’s Applications to Mirror Symmetry
Math Bio Seminar - Dr. Daniel Nettle - The evolved mind in the metropolis: Building on Margo Wilson's vision (PNB Margo Wilson Memorial Lecture)
Geometry and Topology - Geunyoung Kim - Heegaard diagrams for 5-manifolds
Statistics Seminar - Tianyu Guan - Functional Data Analysis in Sports Analytics and Kinesiology
Algebra Seminar - Kierkosz & Heisz
Model theory seminar - Jananan Arulseelan - New Directions in the Computable Model Theory of von Neumann Algebras
Deep Learning Seminar - Dmitry Yarotsky - Universal Formulas and Neural Networks
Colloquium - Michael Grove - Generative AI: Its implications, and opportunities, for policy, pedagogy and practice within the mathematical sciences
Math Bio Seminar - Sophie Stelmach - Age-Dependence of Hospitalization and Fatality for Different SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern in Ontario, Canada
Geometry and Topology Seminar - Yi-Lin Tsai - Constant rank theorem on Hermitian manifolds
Statistics Seminar - Murat Erdogdu - Feature learning in two-layer neural networks under structured data
Algebra Seminar - Brett Nasserden - Arithmetic dynamics in toric geometry
Model theory seminar - Carlos Cardoba - Stable domination in a family of power series fields with analytic structure
AIMS Lab Seminar - Zhaopeng Hao - A simple and fast finite difference method for the integral fractional Laplacian of variable order
Myles Hollander Distinguished Lectureship 2024 - Robert Kass - October 4
Colloquium - Matthew Harrison-Trainor - Back and forth games to characterize countable structures
Deep Learning and PhiMac Seminar - Ruiyang Hong - Bridging the Gap Between Approximation and Learning via Optimal Approximation by ReLU MLPs of Maximal Regularity
Math-Bio Seminar - Sicheng (Richard) Zhao - Edge-based Modeling for Disease Transmission on Random Graphs - an Application to Mitigate a Syphilis Outbreak
Geometry and Topology Seminar - Subhajit Mishra - Pseudofree Finite Group Actions on 4-Manifolds
Statistics Seminar - Christof Seiler - Connecting Human Decision Makers To Data With Statistical Models
Algebra seminar - Alexandre (Sasha) Zotine - Transition Functions of Bundles on Elliptic Curves
Math and Stats 80th Anniversary Celebrations
Geometry and Topology Seminar - Ergun Yalcin - Cohomology and extensions of small categories
Math Bio Seminar - Chris Greyson-Gaito & Richard Zhao - Discussion of Heavy use of equations impedes communication among biologists
Statistics Seminar - Rajitha Senanayake and Pratheepa Jeganathan - Assessing Spatial Invariance in Post-Constraint Clustering: A Framework for Robust Spatial Analysis
Model Theory Seminar - Dennis Zvigelsky - Introduction to the Model Theory of Higher Order Logic
Casual seminar - Hannah Nardone & Kyle Sung
AIMS Lab Seminar - Fabian Bleitner - Buoyancy-Driven Flows With Navier-Slip Boundary Conditions
Colloquium - Stefan Le Coz - Multi-solitons in nonlinear Schrödinger equations
Geometry and Topology Seminar - Christian Kremer - An approach to equivariant Poincaré duality
Math Bio Seminar - Shabnam Molan - Drivers of Covid-19 Variant Wave Dynamics: A Statistical Approach Leveraging Global Data
Casual Math Seminar - Emma Coates - Combined effects of heterogeneous transmission and disparate vaccination rates
Statistics seminar - JE Paguyo - Homozygosity of the hierarchical Dirichlet process
Algebra Seminar - Adam van Tuyl - Vertex decomposable simplcial complexes and some generalizations
AIMS Lab Seminar - Conor McCoid - Adaptively Optimized Schwarz Methods
Model theory seminar - Bradd Hart - What’s up with the dual?
Colloquium 2024-25 Faculty Threads (Lia Bronsard, Matheus Grasselli, Hari Kunduri) - September 13
Math-Bio Seminar - September 12 - Welcome and organizational meeting
Geometry and Topology Seminar - September 12 - Organizational meeting
Algebra Seminar - September 10 - Organizational Meeting
Model theory - September 9 - Organizational meeting
Geometry and Topology Seminar - Robin Sroka - Homological stability: From algebraic K-theory to bounded cohomology, scissors congruence and dynamics
Colloquium - Samuel Cohen - Approximating PDEs with wide neural networks
CANCELLED Britton Lecture/Colloquium - Peter Bartlett - Topics in Deep Learning Theory - Optimization in Deep Networks: convergence of Sharpness Aware Minimization and the edge of stability
CANCELLED Britton Lecture - Peter Bartlett - Topics in Deep Learning Theory: In-context learning linear models with transformers
CANCELLED Britton Lecture - Peter Bartlett - Topics in Deep Learning Theory
CANCELLED Britton Lecture - Peter Bartlett - Topics in deep Learning Theory: Benign Overfitting
MathBio Seminar - Nir Gavish - Epidemiology at Elevated Reproduction Numbers
Casual Seminar - Emma Naguit - Rainbow Connection in Graphs
Statistics Seminar - Mihai Nica - Neural Networks in the Limit of Infinite Depth-and-Width
AIMS Lab Seminar - Pritpal Matharu - Quadrature Methods via Line Interpolation and Approximation Functions for Particles in Microscale Flow
Colloquium - François Labourie - Poisson algebra, combinatorics and representations of surface groups
PDE/Analysis Seminar - Dr. Yang - Recent progress on gradient characterization for conductivity problems from high-contrast composite materials
Casual Seminar - Dylan Mc Ginley - Ricci flow on surfaces with a view toward uniformization
Geometry & Topology - Xuemiao Chen - On Vafa-Witten equations over Kaehler manifolds
Mathematical Biology Seminar - Carling Bieg - Non-equilibrium dynamics in ecological systems
Statistics Seminar - Zelalem Negeri - A bivariate finite mixture random effects model for identifying and accommodating outliers in diagnostic test accuracy meta-analyses
Casual Seminar - Kate Tretiakova - Unraveling Mysteries: A Journey into Sangaku Geometry
MathBio Seminar - Michael Li - R0 Anomaly of Canine Rabies — Exploring Disease Patterns Using Generation Time-based Intervals
AIMS Lab Seminar - Dominik Stantejsky - A Priori Bounds for Minimizers of Ginzburg-Landau Energy with Divergence Penalization and Tangential Anchoring
EDI Colloquium - Sarah Mayes-Tang - More than just adding women: Rethinking mathematics for gender inclusion
PDE/Analysis Seminar - Michael Novack - Soap films, Plateau's laws, and the Allen-Cahn equation
Geometry & Topology Seminar - Indira Chatterji - The rapid decay property and graphs of groups
Casual Math Seminar - Hari Kunduri - Geometric inequalities in general relativity
Joint McMaster-Waterloo Model Theory Seminar - Elliot Kaplan - Some model theory of perfectoid fields
MathBio Seminar - Sabrina Streipert - Derivation and Analysis of Discrete Population Models with Delayed Growth
Statistics Seminar - Rishikesh Yadav - Joint modeling of landslide counts and sizes using spatial marked point processes with sub-asymptotic mark distributions
Statistics seminar - Rishikesh Yadav - Joint modeling of landslide counts and sizes using spatial marked point processes with sub-asymptotic mark distributions
AIMS Lab Seminar - Ian Miller - Blow-up in the Magnetic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
Colloquium/Nelson Lecture 2023-2024 – Henry Yuen – A tale of Turing Machines, Quantum Entanglement, and Operator Algebras
Pi Day Lecture - Cameron Franc - Pi and special values of the Riemann zeta function
MathBio Seminar - Geoff Wild - Inclusive-fitness Modelling Illustrated
Statistics Seminar - Yanglei Song - Concavity Test of Nonparametric Multiple Regression
AIMS Lab talk - Avesta Ahmadi - Characterization of Lithium Plating in Li-ion Cells via Optimal Reconstruction of Constitutive Relations
PDE Seminar - Amirmasoud Geevechi - Slow Motion of Vortex filaments in the Abelian Higgs Model
Colloquium - Barbara Prinari - The Inverse Scattering Transform for Maxwell-Bloch systems with inhomogeneous broadening
Phi-Mac Seminar - Christopher Greyson-Gaito - Resilience Across Complex Systems in a Variable World
Geometry and Topology Seminar - Xuan Yao - Some recent works on the Yamabe invariants
Casual Seminar - Dicle Mutlu - Thinking Locally
MathBio Seminar - Gail Wolkowicz - Deriving and Analyzing Discrete Planar Models with Applications in Biology
AIMS Lab Seminar - Evan Mitchell - Maternity and the Stronger Immune Response in Women
PDE/Analysis seminar - Danial Saadatmand - Interactions of solitons and solitary waves with a PT-symmetric defect in nonlinear Kelin-Gordon models
Colloquium - Jean-Philippe Boucher - Multiple Bonus–Malus Scale Models for Insureds of Different Sizes
Casual Seminar - Chris Greyson-Gaito - Why use mathematics in biology?
Geometry & Topology Seminar - Jessica Liu - Signatures of Links (and How to Compute them)
MathBio Seminar *Cancelled* - Carling Bieg - Non-equilibrium dynamics in ecological systems
Statistics Seminar - Ben Bolker - Improving Statistical Computation in R
AIMS Lab Seminar - Bartosz Protas - On the Linear Stability of the Lamb-Chaplygin Dipole
Colloquium - Xin Zhou - Some recent development in minimal surface theory
Phi-Mac Seminar - Silvana Pesenti (UofT) - Risk Budgeting Allocation for Dynamic Risk Measures
Casual Seminar - Anastasis Kratsios - Digital Computers Break The Curse of Dimensionality: Adaptive Bounds via Discrete Geometry
MathBio Seminar - Konstantin Lenz Gil - Recurrent Epidemics in the SIR Model
Statistics Seminar - Nikos Ignatiadis (University of Chicago) - Empirical partially Bayes multiple testing and compound chi-square decisions
AIMS Lab Seminar - Christopher Greyson-Gaito - Resilience Across Complex Systems in a Variable World
Colloquium - Peter Miller - Universal Wave Patterns
Phi-Mac Seminar - Joseph Voskamp - Financial Crisis Prediction using Machine Learning
MathBio Seminar - Ben Bolker - Overview of/introduction to parameter estimation for dynamical systems
Statistics seminar - Anastasis Kratsios - Digital Computers Break The Curse of Dimensionality: Insights From Discrete Geometry
PDE/Analysis Seminar - Jose Manuel Palacios Armesto - Asymptotic Stability of peakons for the Novikov equation
Colloquium - Indira Chatterji - Groups and geometry
Casual seminar - Jan Arulseelan - It Depends On What the Meaning of the Word ‘Is’ Is: An Introduction To Equality And HoTT
MathBio Seminar - Chris Greyson-Gaito & Evan Mitchell - Theorists and Empiricists: A Discussion about Communication and Collaboration between the Two Groups
Statistics Seminar - Eman Alamer - Mixture Models for Clustering Mixed-type Data
AIMS Lab talk - Changjun Zou - Recent progress on vortex solutions of incompressible flow
Phi-Mac Seminar - Stephan Eckstein - Optimal transport and Wasserstein distances for causal models
Colloquium - Duran Henao - Singular minimizers in nonlinear elasticity
MathBio Seminar - Chris Greyson-Gaito - Resilience Across Complex Systems in a Variable World
AIMS Lab Seminar - Elisa Negrini - Applications of No-Collision Transportation Maps in Manifold Learning
PDE/Analysis Seminar - Gael Yomgne Diebou - Asymptotics and stability of global solutions to liquid crystal flows in three dimensions
Colloquium – Post-Doc Threads
Phi-Mac Seminar - Martina Neumann - Transferability of Graph Neural Networks using Graphon and Sampling Theories
Casual seminar - John Nicholson - (In)formalized Mathematics: An introduction to the Lean theorem prover
Geometry and Topology Seminar - Dror Bar-Natan - Cars, Interchanges, Traffic Counters, and some Pretty Darned Good Knot Invariants
MathBio Seminar - Evan Mitchell - Maternity and the Stronger Immune Response in Women
Phi-Mac Seminar - David Prömel - Pathwise integration for robust finance
Casual Seminar - Jan Arulseelan - Mathematics, Mysticism, Mythology and Magic
Statistics seminar - Liqun Diao - Polya tree based nearest neighborhood regression
Geometery and Topology Seminar - Daniel Kasprowski - Stable equivalence relations of 4-manifolds
AIMS Lab Seminar - Samba Dumbuya - Homogenization of a higher gradient heat equation: Numerical solution of the cell problem using quadratic B-spline based finite elements
PhiMac Seminar - Teun van Nuland - Universal Approximation on all of R^n
Casual Seminar - Kieran Henderson - The Math Behind Artificial Intelligence
Statistics Seminar - Chunfang Devon Lin - Modelling and Sequential Design of Computer Experiments with Quantitative and Qualitative Factors
Geometry and Topology Seminar - João Faria Martins - A once-extended TQFT categorifying Quinn's finite total homotopy TQFT
AIMS Seminar - Nana Ofori-Opoku - Microstructure evolution models in Materials Science and Engineering
Colloquium - Diane Guignard - Local discontinuous Galerkin method for fourth order problems and application to the deformation of plates
PDE/Analysis seminar - Francisco Odair Vieira de Paiva - Semilinear elliptic equations with combined nonlinearities
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Ritvik Ramkumar - On the parity conjecture for Hilbert schemes of points on threefolds
Statistics Seminar Mohamed Belalia - Testing Symmetry for Bivariate Copulas using Bernstein Polynomials
Geometery and Topology Seminar - Joseph Boninger - Twisted knots and the perturbed Alexander invariant
AIMS Lab Seminar - Jamal Shabani - Optimal design of responsive structures
PDE/Analysis Seminar - Adilbek Kairzhan - Asymptotic stability near the soliton for quartic Klein-Gordon in 1D
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar - David Nguyen - An improved upper bound on a class of exponential sums
Casual Seminar - JE Paguyo - The Mathematics of Card Shuffling
Statistics Seminar - Ultán Doherty - Constrained Model-Based Clustering for Flow and Mass Cytometry Data
Geometry and Topology Seminar - Lucia Martin Merchan - Closed G2 manifolds with low first Betti number via orbifold resolution techniques
AIMS Lab Seminar - Ana Mucalica - MKdV breathers from soliton - snoidal wave interactions
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Kieran Bhaskara and Aniketh Sivakumar - Regularity and projective dimension of toric ideals of bipartite graphs
Casual Seminar - Carlos Córdoba - Unlimited Power: Introduction to pseudofinite structures
Statistics seminar - J. E. Paguyo - Sampling unlabeled structures via the Burnside process
AIMS Lab Seminar - Rodrigo Alejandro Vargas Hernandez - Machine learning meets computational chemistry
Colloquium - Tristan Collins - Calabi-Yau manifolds, free boundaries and optimal transport
Phi-mac seminar - Daniel Presta - Sensitivity and Stability: An Investigation of Stock-Flow Consistent Climate-Economic Models
Geometry and Topology Seminar - Jie Chen - An invitation to the world of flat knots
Casual Seminar - Mike Cummings - Colouring graphs, symmetric functions, and open problems
Statistics seminar - Xin Bing - Optimal vintage factor analysis with deflation varimax
AIMS Seminar - Jaemyeong Mango Seo - Internal gravity waves from mountains and convective clouds and their interactions
Colloquium - Todd Parsons – The Persistence of Emerging Pathogens
Model theory seminar - Siegfried van Hille - Sharply o-minimal structures
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Adam Van Tuyl - The Kruskal-Katona Theorem
Geometry and Topology seminar - Mark Hughes - Nonisotopic splitting spheres for split surface links
Casual Seminar - Siegfried Van Hille - Proving the symmetric function theorem using the chain rule
AIMS Lab Seminar - Brian R. Wetton - Numerical methods for geometric motion
PDE/Analysis Seminar - Lynnyngs Kelly Arruda Saraiva de Paiva - Weak stochastic travelling waves
Colloquium - Zsuzsanna Dancso - Finite type invariants: bridging knot theory and quantum algebra
Model Theory Seminar - Adele Pagdett - Some equations involving the Gamma function
Analysis seminar - Ofer Neiman - Covering Metric Spaces by Few Trees CANCELLED
Casual Seminar - Kate Tretiakova - The Classification Theorem of Compact Surfaces
Geometry and Topology Seminar - Charles Stine - Corks Equivalent to Fintushel-Stern Surgery
AIMS Lab Seminar - Samuel Lanthaler - The curse of dimensionality in operator learning
Geometry and Topology seminar - Aghil Alaee - A quasi-local mass in general relativity
Geometry and Topology Seminar - Bruno Roso - Mod p Borel Floer Cohomology
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Trung Chau - Barile-Macchia resolutions
Casual Seminar - Sebastian Eterovic - How can we classify line arrangements on the plane?
Statistics seminar - Pengfei Cai and Pratheepa Jeganathan - Recurrent Neural Networks Methods for Modeling Dependence between Loss Triangles
AIMS Lab Seminar - James Hornick - Nonlinear superposition principles, linearization maps, and a case study of Burgers equation
Colloquium - Daniel Litt - Algebraic geometry and some questions about 2x2 matrices
PDE/Analysis Seminar - Pavel Lushnikov - Stokes waves, Riemann surface sheets and integrability of surface dynamics
Model Theory Seminar - Sebastian Eterovic - Multiplicative Relations Among Differences of Singular Moduli
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Thanh Thai Nguyen - Asymptotic invariant of Graded Families
Geometry and Topology Seminar - Ismael Sierra - Homological stability of even and odd symplectic groups
Casual seminar - Jeffrey Marshall-Milne’s - A Transparent Proof of the Hairy Ball Theorem
Statistics seminar - Steven Xiaogang Wang - Machine Learning and Statistical Method for Large and Non-stationary Biological Signals
PDE/Analysis Seminar - Xin Yang Lu - Optimal configurations in multi-block copolymer models
Colloquium - Patricia Klein - From the Upper Bound Conjecture to Gorenstein linkage
Phi-Mac seminar - Anastasis Kratsios - Dimension Reduction and Conditional Universal Approximation of Stochastic Volterra Processes
Geometry and Topology Seminar - Aleksandar Milivojevic's - Formality and non-zero degree maps
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Ada Stelzer - Oops, all Hilbert! Hilbert functions, h-polynomials, and the Hilbertian property
Casual Seminar - Lothar Sebastian Krapp - Under construction: building mathematical objects by constructive proofs
Statistics seminar - Shui Feng - Frequentist vs. Bayesian Through Large Deviations
AIMS Lab Seminar - Pooya Yousefi - Quasi-static Griffith fracture evolution with boundary loads
Colloquium - Faculty Threads
Model theory seminar - Lothar Sebastian Krapp - NIP Archimedean Fields and Learning in Neural Networks
Geometry and Topology Seminar - Hari Kunduri - Existence and uniqueness of toric gravitational instantons
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Patricia Klein - Alternating sign matrix varieties
Casual Seminar - Christoph Kesting - Infinite Chess and Other Combinatorial Games
CSE Seminar - Yalda Mohsenzadeh - Title TBA
Statistics Seminar: Tin Sum Cheng - TBA
Britton Lecture Series/Colloquium - Suncica (Sunny) Canic - Moving boundary problems involving poroelastic media
Britton Lecture Series - Suncica (Sunny) Canic - Introduction to fluid-structure interaction
Statistics Seminar: Jeffrey Racine - TBA
Britton Lecture Series - Suncica (Sunny) Canic - Next Generation Stent Design: A new mathematical approach to constrained optimization of mesh-like structures and fluid-structure interaction
Britton Lecture Series - Suncica (Sunny) Canic - A Mathematical Approach to the Design of a Bioartificial Pancreas
Colloquium-Cameron Franc (McMaster University)
PhiMac Seminar - Dan Bartl - Title tba
CSE Seminar - Minglun Gong
Statistics Seminar: Devan Becker - Statistical Models for the Quantification of SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern in Wastewater Samples
Colloquium-Aurelie Labbe-BKTR - Bayesian Kernelized Tensor Regression: application to bike-sharing demand modeling
Model Theory Seminar - David Meretzky - A boundedness condition for differential fields
PhiMac Seminar - John Armstrong - Projecting SDEs on Submanifolds and the Optimal Gaussian Filter
Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Mike Cummings - Paving Regular Nilpotent Hessenberg Schubert Cells by Affines: A Computational Approach.
Casual Math Seminar - Dicle Mutlu - Ultrafilters
Statistics Seminar: S. Ejaz Ahmed - Post-shrinkage strategies in high-dimensional data analysis
AIMS Lab Seminar - Gabrielle Ching-Johnson - A simple dry physics package and its coupling to a dynamically adaptive global atmosphere model
Colloquium - Dmitry Zakharov - The tropical Prym variety
PhiMac Seminar - Juan-Pablo Ortega - Generalized synchronizations with reservoir systems
Model Theory Seminar-Patrick Speissegger-O-minimal Borel lemma
PDE/Analysis Seminar - Przemek Wojtaszczyk - Lipschitz Widths
Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Ben Wormleighton - Embedding obstructions for non-toric rational surfaces from Newton-Okounkov bodies
Casual Math Seminar - Elliot Kaplan - Winning Ways for your Mathematical Plays: The Basics of Combinatorial Game Theory
CSE Seminar - Hamidreza Mahyar - Title TBA
Statistics Seminar: Joel Dubin - Challenges of modeling longitudinal intensive care unit data
AIMS Lab Seminar - Dominik Stantejsky - Asymptotic limit of the Landau-de Gennes model for liquid crystals around an inclusion
Colloquium - Gilles Francfort (Flatiron Institute) - The role of Stability in Solids with Defects
PhiMac Seminar-Simone Brugiapaglia-The mathematical foundations of deep learning: from rating impossibility to practical existence theorems
Model Theory Seminar - Rachael Alvir - Scott Complexity of Groups
Algebra & Algebraic Geometry - Kevin Purbhoo - The secant conjecture and other stories
Geometry & Topology Seminar-Bojun Zhao-Left orderability and taut foliations with one-sided branching
Casual Math Seminar - Alexi Block Gorman - "Wir müssen wissen, wir werden wissen"
Statistics Seminar: Xin Gao - High Dimensional Data Integration
AIMS Lab Seminar - Zhou Zhang - Understanding of surface gravity wave turbulence
Model Theory Seminar - Amador Martín-Pizarro - Corners and stability
CANCELLED - Colloquium - Ayesha Ali - Regularization for High Dimensional Highly Structured Data
Casual Math Seminar- Silas Vriend - Some Folding Required: The Mathematics of Origami
Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Gagandeep Virk - Vector Valued Modular Forms of dimension 3
CSE Seminar - Kamran Paynabar - Low Dimensional Learning from High Dimensional Data for System Modeling and Improvement
Statistics Seminar: Elena Tuzhilina - Statistical curve models for inferring 3D chromatin architecture
AIMS Lab Seminar - Jeffrey Kuan - Recent progress in stochastic fluid-structure interaction
Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Nasrin Altafi - Hilbert functions and Lefschetz properties of graded Artinian Gorenstein algebras
Casual Math Seminar - Michel Alexis - Calculus teachers hate him because of this one weird trick, find out why!!
CSE Seminar - Graham Taylor - Machine Learning for Biodiversity
Statistics Seminar: Stephen Walter - Some potential biases in the meta-analysis of clinical trials data
AIMS Lab Seminar - Jian Wang - Mathematics of internal waves in a 2D aquarium
Colloquium-Edouard Oudet-Shape Optimization: Old and New
Model Theory Seminar-Deirdre Haskell- Residue field domination
Casual Math Seminar-Adele Padgett-The Math of Mapmaking
Statistics Seminar: Mengjie Bian - Investigating the Winner’s Curse in Mendelian Randomization
Colloquium-Anna L. Mazzucato- Mixing, transport, and enhanced dissipation
Model Theory Seminar-Dicle Mutlu-Domination in Some Valued Fields and Its Applications(Second Part)
PhiMac Seminar-Fenghui Yu (TU Delft)-Dynamic Optimal Pairs Trading Strategies
Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Seminar-Angelica Babei- The combinatorics of tiled orders in central simple algebras
CSE Seminar-Ben Bolker-Estimating state-dependent evolutionary rates: parental care, sperm competition, and fish accessory glands
Statistics Seminar: Alireza Fathollah Pour - Benefits of Additive Noise in Composing Classes with Bounded Capacity
Special Topology Seminar - Guillem Cazassus - Extending down Donaldson-Floer theory
AIMS Lab Seminar - Xinyu Zhao - Systematic search for singularities in 3D Euler flows
Colloquium/Evelyn Nelson Lecture-Anush Tserunyan-A descriptive set theorist's approach to pointwise ergodic theorems
Phimac Seminar-Matheus Grasselli-Testing the Keen Model for the United States
Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Seminar-Brian Harbourne-Geproci sets: a confluence of geometry, algebra, combinatorics and representation theory
Special Topology Seminar - Antonio Alfieri - Heegaard Floer homology, instanton Floer homology, and complex singularities: problems, conjectures, and recent results.
Special Topology Seminar - Patrick Naylor -Doubling Gluck twists
Geometry & Model Theory Seminar - Tobias Kaiser - Periods, Power Series, and Integrated Algebraic Numbers
Statistics Seminar: Lei Sun - Recent advances and new challenges to combat eXclusion in whole-genome studies
AIMS Lab Seminar - Nicholas Kevlahan - Realistic modelling of the Gulf Stream using Brinkman penalization
Colloquium Post-Doc Threads
Special Topology Seminar - Yvon Verberne - Symmetries of surfaces
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar-Elisa Gorla- Universal Groebner bases of determinantal ideals-
CSE Seminar- Yunfei Ma-Identifying, Ranking, and Visualizing Long-term Freight Bottlenecks Based on Parallel Connected Components Algorithm
Statistics Seminar: Ben Bolker - Estimating state-dependent evolutionary rates: parental care, sperm competition, and fish accessory glands
PhiMac Seminar - Juan-Pablo Ortega - Title TBD
Reading Seminar, Geometry & Topology, Organizational Meeting
Geometry & Topology Seminar - Yulan Qing - Boundary of Groups
Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Seminar-Jeremy Usatine-Motivic integration for Artin stacks
PhiMac Seminar - Thorsten Schmidt - Title TBD
Colloquium - Dylan Posamaï - Moral hazard for time-inconsistent agents and BSVIEs
Geometry and Topology Seminar - Eric Ling - Remarks on the cosmological constant appearing as an initial condition for Milne-like spacetimes
Computational Science and Engineering Seminar-Hassan Chehaitli-Robustness of repo markets with full rehypothecation
Colloquium - Nicholas Ramsey - Model theory and Paradoxical Decompositions
Model Theory Seminar-Nick Ramsey-Measures on PAC fields with free Galois group
Geometry and Topology Seminar - Daniel Douglas - Dimers, webs, and local systems
Algebra Seminar-Alun Stoke/Dan Barake - Classifying the Image of $phi_p$ by Parameters of the Moduli Space for its $phi$-congruence Subgroup/A primer on vertex operator algebra theory
Statistics Seminar: John Fox - CANCELLED
Statistics Seminar: Anastasis Kratsios - Instance-Dependent Generalization Bounds via Optimal Transport
AIMS Lab Seminar - Anastasis Kratsios - CNO - The power to efficiently approximate causal operators between infinite-dimensional linear spaces
Colloquium - Brian Wetton - Enthalpy Methods for Moving Boundary Problems
Model Theory Seminar - Nigel Pynn-Coates - Monotone T-convex T-differential fields
PhiMac Seminar - Lane Hughston - TBA
Geometry and Topology Seminar - The Yamabe Invariant of Complex Surfaces
AIMS Lab Seminar - Silas Vriend - Infinite bubbles: a planar isoperimetric problem with two unbounded chambers
Computational Science and Engineering Seminar - Amir-massoud Farahmand - Accelerated Planning and Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
Algebra Seminar- Ilias S. Kotsireas- Enumerative combinatorics and coding theory
Statistics Seminar: Jimmy He - Shift invariance of half space integrable models
AIMS Lab Seminar - Lee van Brussel - Topological defects for two-dimensional nematic liquid crystals
Model Theory Seminar - Dicle Mutlu - Domination in Some Valued Fields and Its Applications
PhiMac Seminar - Matheus Grasselli - TBA
Colloquium - Patrick Flaherty - Cost-aware Generalized alpha-investing for Multiple Hypothesis Testing
Geometry and Topology Seminar - Michael Borinsky - Euler characteristics of Out(F_n)
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Stefano Canino - Complete intersections on Veronese surfaces
Geometry and Model Theory Seminar at Fields - Leo Jimenez- Relations between solutions to differential equations and the Borovik-Cherlin conjecture
Statistics Seminar - Hanna Jankowski - Multivariate modelling using copulas with log-concave marginals
AIMS Lab Seminar - Ana Mucalica - Solitons on the rarefaction wave background via the Darboux transformation
Colloquium - Nicola Gigli - Functional analysis and metric geometry
PhiMac Seminar - Adam Block - Quantization of Probability Measures Supported On Manifolds of Finite Reach
Model Theory Seminar - Matthew DeVilbiss - Generic differential equations are strongly minimal
Geometry and Topology Seminar - Ling Xiao - Entire $sigma_k$ curvature flow in Minkowski space
Computational Science and Engineering Seminar - Venkata Pydimarri and Yicheng Chen - Dynamics of entangled pair of spin-1/2 particles under independent random magnetic fields/ensitivity Analysis of Macroeconomics Models on Climate Change
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry - Angelica Babei - On the many wonderful sides of modular forms
Statistics Seminar: Zeny Feng - ATQ: Alarm time quality, an evaluation metric for assessing timely epidemic detection models within a school absenteeism-based surveillance system
AIMS Lab Seminar - Saad Qadeer - A spectral approach for time-dependent PDEs using machine-learned basis functions
PhiMac Seminar - Luca Galimberti -Causal Neural Operators
Colloquium -CANCELLED Dmitry Zakharov - Lump chains in the KP-I equation
Geometry and Topology Seminar - Xuemiao Chen - Tangent cones of admissible Hermitian-Yang-Mills connections
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Jen Biermann - Algebraic invariants of weighted oriented graphs
Statistics Seminar: Nikola Pocuca - The Good, the Bad, and the Asymmetric: Clustering with Finite Mixtures of SU Johnson Distributions
AIMS Lab Seminar - Andrew Colinet - Limiting behaviour of the Ginzburg-Landau functional up to the domain boundary
Colloquium - Robin Neumayer - Quantitative Stability in the Calculus of Variations
Model Theory Seminar - Gareth Jones - An effective form of Pila-Wilkie for pfaffian functions, and some diophantine applications
Geometry and Topology Seminar - Homayun Karimi - Toric multisections and curves in rational surfaces-
Computational Science and Engineering Seminar - Mohammad Norouzi - Text to image synthesis and the path ahead
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Bü?ra Atar/Adrian Cook - Hessenberg Patch Ideals/Lattice Groupoids: An Introduction
Statistics Seminar: Noah Forman - A Markov chain on binary trees
Colloquium - Richard Schwartz - Continued fractions and the Four Color Theorem
Model Theory Seminar- Sebastian Eterovic - Likely and Unlikely Intersections
Geometry and Topology Seminar - Benjamin Brueck - (Non-)trivial classes in the bounded cohomology of CAT(0) cube complexes
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Thanh Thai Nguyen - Lower bounds on the initial degrees and containments of ideals
Geometry and Model Theory seminar at the Fields Institute - Elliot Alexander Kaplan- Generic derivations on o-minimal structures
Geometry and Model Theory seminar at the Fields Institute -Alexi Block Gorman-Expansions by k-regular sets of reals: the real additive group versus the real field
Statistics Seminar: Pengfei Li - Statistical inference with non-probability survey samples
AIMS Lab Seminar - Sullivan MacDonald - Sum of squares decompositions with applications to regularity theory (Part 2)
Computational Science and Engineering Seminar - Mike Branch - TBA
Colloquium - Laura Escobar - Measuring polytopes.
PhiMac Seminar - Traian Pirvu - Time Consistent Portfolio Management
Geometry and Topology Seminar - Antonio Alfieri - Instanton Floer homology of almost-rational plumbings
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Lauren Cranton Heller - Regularity of powers of multigraded ideals
Statistics Seminar: Grace Yi - How myths about noisy data may mislead us.
Model Theory Seminar - Jananan Arulseelan - Computable Continuous Model Theory of Type III Factors
AIMS Lab Seminar - Sullivan MacDonald - Sum of squares decompositions with applications to regularity theory