Date(s) - 14/11/2023
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Location: University Hall (UH) 112
Date/Time: Tuesday, November 7, 2023, 3.30-5 p.m. (refreshments served )
Speaker: Ultán Doherty (Trinity College Dublin, University of Dublin)
Title: Constrained Model-Based Clustering for Flow and Mass Cytometry Data
Abstract: Flow and Mass Cytometry are integral tools in immunological research that allow high-throughput analysis of every cell in a tissue sample. These methods involve determining the expression levels of a range of protein markers for each cell in a tissue sample. In order to investigate the effect of a disease on different cell types, the individual cells in an analyzed sample must be grouped together. This process of assigning cells to groups is known as population identification. We will discuss the challenges of population identification for cytometry data and present a semi-supervised approach to model-based clustering of cytometry data using must-link constraints (Melnykov et al. (2016)) which incorporates expert information into the model fitting process.