Date(s) - 29/09/2023
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Location: HH 410
Speaker: Pavel Lushnikov (University of New Mexico)
Title: Stokes waves, Riemann surface sheets and integrability of surface dynamics
Abstract: A fully nonlinear surface dynamics of the time dependent potential flow of ideal incompressible fluid with a free surface is considered in two dimensional geometry. Arbitrary large surface waves can be efficiently characterized through a time-dependent conformal mapping of a fluid domain into the lower complex half-plane. We reformulate the exact Eulerian dynamics through a non-canonical nonlocal Hamiltonian system for the pair of new conformal variables. The corresponding non-canonical Poisson bracket is non-degenerate, i.e. it does not have any Casimir invariant. Any two functionals of the conformal mapping commute with respect to the Poisson bracket. Analytical continuation through the branch cuts generically results in the Riemann surface with infinite number of sheets including Stokes wave which is the fully nonlinear wave propagating with constant velocity. The analytical structure of Stokes wave is analyzed. For non-limiting Stokes wave the only singularity in the physical sheet of Riemann surface is the square-root branch point located. The corresponding branch cut defines the second sheet of the Riemann surface if one crosses the branch cut. The infinite number of pairs of square root singularities is found corresponding to infinite number of non-physical sheets of Riemann surface. Each pair belongs to its own non-physical sheet of Riemann surface. Increase of the steepness of the Stokes wave means that all these singularities simultaneously approach the real line from different sheets of Riemann surface and merge together forming 2/3 power law singularity of the limiting Stokes wave. It is shown that non-limiting Stokes wave at the leading order consists of the infinite product of nested square root singularities which form the infinite number of sheets of Riemann surface. For general dynamics of free surface, an infinite family of solutions with moving poles are found on the Riemann surface. Residues of poles are the constants of motion. These constants commute with each other in the sense of underlying non-canonical Hamiltonian dynamics which provides an argument in support of the conjecture of complete Hamiltonian integrability of surface dynamics.