Date(s) - 10/03/2023
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Speaker: Rachael Alvir
Title: Scott Complexity of Groups
Abstract: Scott’s Isomorphism Theorem states thatevery countable structure can be described up to isomorphism (among countablestructures) by a single sentence of $L_{omega_1 omega}$ known as its Scottsentence. Here, $L_{omega_1 omega}$ is the extension of finitaryfirst-order logic obtained by allowing countably infinite conjunctions anddisjunctions. Each structure has a least complexity Scott sentence in thehierarchy of $Pi_{alpha}, Sigma_{alpha},$ and $d$-$Sigma_alpha$ formulasknown as its Scott complexity. In this talk, we compute the Scott complexity ofseveral kinds of groups.
Venue: Hamilton Hall, Room 312