Date(s) - 07/11/2024
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Location: Hamilton Hall, Room 410
Speaker: Dr. Evan Mitchell
Affiliation: University of Waterloo
Title: Quantifying the Impact of COVID-19 Vaccines in Canada
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has affected a considerable number of people in Canada in terms of infections, hospitalizations, and deaths. Both public health measures and vaccines have helped alleviate some of this burden. In this talk, I will present some research where our goal was to quantify the impact that vaccines had across the country using a mathematical modelling approach. The model is calibrated to four data streams collected within six provinces to make predictions about daily reported infections, hospital occupancy, and deaths. This model is then used to explore counterfactual scenarios in which vaccines were not available, vaccine rollout was delayed, or vaccines were less effective at preventing disease transmission. I will discuss some of the key results of these simulations and some of the main takeaway messages.