Date(s) - 24/10/2024
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Location: Hamilton Hall 312
Speaker: Geunyoung Kim (McMaster)
Title: Heegaard diagrams for 5-manifolds
Abstract: We introduce a version of Heegaard diagrams for 5-dimensional cobordisms with 2- and 3-handles, 5-dimensional 3-handlebodies, and closed 5-manifolds. We show that every such 5-manifold can be represented by a Heegaard diagram, and two Heegaard diagrams represent diffeomorphic 5-manifolds if and only if they are related by certain moves. As an application, we construct Heegaard diagrams for 5-dimensional cobordisms from the standard 4-sphere to the Gluck twists along knotted 2-spheres. This provides some equivalent statements regarding the Gluck twists being diffeomorphic to the standard 4-sphere.