Date(s) - 09/11/2022
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
First Speaker: VenkataPydimarri (CSE PhD Graduate)
Title:Dynamics of entangled pair of spin-1/2 particles under independent randommagnetic fields
Abstract: Thedynamics of an identical pair of entangled spin-1/2 particles, both subjectedto the identical, independent, correlated random magnetic fields is studied.The dynamics of the pure joint state of the pair is derived using stochasticcalculus. In case of identical fields, an ensemble of such pure states arecombined using the modified spin joint density matrix and the joint relaxationtime is obtained for the pair of spin-1/2 particles. These dynamics can beinterpreted as special kind of correlations involving the spatial components ofthe Bloch polarization vectors of the constituent entangled spin-1/2 particles.In case of independent random magnetic fields, the dynamics are obtained byconsidering a pure joint state of entangled spin-1/2 particles. Thedisentanglement time defined as the time taken for the particles to becomedisentangled, is obtained. In case of correlated random magnetic fields, thedynamics of a maximally entangled pair of spin-1/2 particles are derived interms of the joint density matrix of the entangled pair from which the steadystate density matrix and the associated timescale for it to be reached areobtained. The asymptotic density matrix in this case represents a state of(partial) disentanglement. In other words, there is a persistent entanglementin case of correlated field disturbances.
Second Speaker: YichengChen (CSE PhD Student)
Title:Sensitivity Analysis of Macroeconomics Models on Climate Change
Abstract:Climate change is now happening at a significantly faster rate than ever seenin the history of modern civilization which is caused by growing economicactivity. However, estimating the influence of climate change on the economy isa very complex task, as not only the economic system but also the climate modelis very uncertain. As a result, there are many economics-climate models withdifferent properties and uncertain variables. We will present a sensitivityanalysis to compare and select those models, so it can help policymakers toselect a better choice in order to make green policies.
Location:BSB 121 & Zoom
Zoom Meeting Info:
Meeting ID: 993 26315722
Passcode: 913408