Date(s) - 20/10/2023
3:30 am - 4:30 am
Location: HH 305
Speaker: Zsuzsanna Dancso (University of Sydney)
Title: Finite type invariants: bridging knot theory and quantum algebra
Abstract: Building on elementary ideas from abstract algebra, we formalise the relationship between a powerful class of knot invariants known as finite type or Vassiliev invariants, and deep problems in quantum algebra and Lie theory, such as the existence of Drinfeld associators and Kashiwara-Vergne solutions. This allows for translating problems from generalisations of knot theory – tangles, knotted surfaces – to different branches of algebra and vice versa. I will list several examples, applications and open questions.
Parts of this talk are based on joint work with various subsets of: Dror Bar-Natan, Iva Halacheva, Tamara Hogan, Guillaume Laplante-Anfossi, Jessica Liu, Marcy Robertson, and Nancy Scherich.
For recording of this colloquium, click here