Date(s) - 31/01/2025
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Speaker: Lea Beneish (University of North Texas)
Research Area: Number Theory
Location: Hamilton Hall, Room 305
Title: Degree D points on curves
Abstract: The solution set of a polynomial in three variables in which every monomial has the same degree is referred to as a plane curve. A famous example of such a plane curve is given by the equation relating Pythagorean triples, $x^2+y^2=z^2$ where positive integer solutions correspond to right angled triangles with integer side lengths; in this case, there are infinitely many (primitive) solutions. However, an equation where two squares sum to the negative of another square, for example, $x^2+y^2=-z^2$ has no rational solutions, as the sum of two squares cannot be negative. Even though this equation has no rational solutions, it may have infinitely many solutions involving the imaginary number i. Since i has a minimal polynomial of degree 2 one says that such a point has degree 2 (for example, (i, 0, 1)) is a point of degree 2, whereas a rational point is considered a point of degree 1). In this talk, I’ll consider the question: “what is the set of degrees D such that equations of the form f(x,y,z) = 0 have solutions of degree D?” This set turns out to have some interesting properties. This talk is based on joint work with Andrew Granville.
Coffee will be served in the same room, HH 305 at 3:00pm. All are welcome.