Date(s) - 23/11/2022
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Speaker: Ilias S.Kotsireas (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Title: Enumerativecombinatorics and coding theory
Subtitle: EliahouTheory and application to enumerating Legendre Pairs
Abstract: In his seminal 1994 paperentitled “Enumerative combinatorics and coding theory”, ShalomEliahou proposes a theory/method to enumerate the values of a polynomial in nvariables with non-negative integer coefficients, assumed on {-1,+1}^n. Themethod builds an associated binary linear code whose enumeration of certainweight suffices to answer the question. We shall present Eliahou’s theory, aswell as its application to the problem of enumerating Legendre pairs.Promotional video:
Location : HH 410