Date(s) - 30/10/2023
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Location: online
Title: Internal gravity waves from mountains and convective clouds and their interactions
Speaker: Jaemyeong Mango Seo (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Abstract: In a stably stratified atmosphere, many forcings, such as mountains, convective clouds, and fronts, generate flows and internal gravity waves (IGWs). IGWs generated in the troposphere propagate into the middle atmosphere to modulate upper atmospheric flows, which in turn affects tropospheric dynamics. Mountains mechanically disturb atmosphere, and the atmospheric perturbations propagate as IGWs. Condensation of water vapor in convective clouds releases latent heat, which also thermally disturbs the atmosphere and is another source of IGWs. Orographically and convectively generated IGWs propagate vertically and horizontally, are refracted and reflected, and interact with each other in the atmosphere. This talk will present how IGWs generated by mountains and convective clouds in various atmospheres are mathematically described, and how their propagation, reflection, and interactions are analyzed.
Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 948 2292 5263
Passcode: 038836