Date(s) - 25/11/2024
9:30 am - 10:30 am
Location: HH207
Speaker: Michael Welland (McMaster)
Title: Holistic multiphysics modelling: integrating thermodynamics and multiphysics transport modelling at the mesoscale and up.
Abstract: Advanced materials for the Nuclear and Energy industries must function predictably under increasingly complex and extreme conditions including high temperatures and temperature gradients, anisotropic stresses, chemically corrosive environments, constantly evolving microstructure, and radiation fields. Traditional modelling approaches isolate particular types of physics with associated material properties and couple them from the bottom up which, while practical, sometimes misses subtle phenomena that manifests over the long term such Soret / Dufour, Peltier / Seebeck effects, stressdriven phase change and transport, and mesoscale effects.
The need to quantitatively predict long term material performance motivates a shift to a holistic, top-down approach which exploits key mathematical principles:
– assimilation of thermodynamic data into a self-consistent form amenable to surrogate models exploiting Euler homogeneity and Convex Conjugate representations.
– derivation of governing equations through a comprehensive and robust framework: the Theory of Irreversible Processes, which enforces physical symmetries
– exploitation of the mathematically properties to take advantage of efficient computational tools
This presentation will present specific examples in the nuclear and energy industry motivating this approach with focus on phase-field and multiphysics transport examples