Blow-up substitutions

In this post, we introduce a type of substitutions to be used in our normalization algorithm: let $X$ and $Y$ be two single indeterminates. Definition For $\lambda \in \RR$, we let $\bl_\lambda:\Ps{R}{X,Y} \into \Ps{R}{X,Y}$ be the blow-up substitution defined by $$\bl_\lambda(X):= X \quad\text{and}\quad \bl_\lambda(Y):= X(\lambda+Y).$$ We also let $\bl_\infty:\Ps{R}{X,Y} \into \Ps{R}{X,Y}$ be the blow-up substitution…

Normal series

The first step towards proving the o-minimality of $\Ran$ is to show that the quantifier-free definable sets have finitely many connected components. As discussed in this post, this means (essentially) that we need to show that basic $\Pc{R}{X}$-sets have finitely many connected components. Example 1 Let $\alpha \in \NN^n$ and $r \in (0,\infty)^n$. Show that…

Functions defined by convergent power series

Let $r \in (0,\infty)^n$ be a polyradius. For $F \in \Pc{R}{X}_r$, we denote by $F_r:\bar B(r) \into \RR$ the function defined by $F_r(x):= F(x)$. We denote by $C^\infty(r)$ the ring of all $C^\infty$ functions on $B(r)$. For $f \in C^\infty(r)$, we let $T_r(f) \in \Ps{R}{X}$ be the Taylor expansion of $f$ at $0$; note that…

Restricted analytic functions

Our next goal is to give a different construction method for o-minimal structures. The main example discussed for this construction method is the expansion $\Ran$ of the real field by all restricted analytic functions, although we will mention some other expansions to which this same method applies. To achieve this, we will again work in…

Pfaffian closure

Let $\R$ be an o-minimal expansion of the real field, and let $\R_1$ be the expansion of $\R$ by all Rolle leaves over $\R$. Theorem The expansion $\R_1$ of $\R$ is o-minimal. Proof. Let $\Lambda$ be the system of all Rolle sets over $\R$; by this post, $\Lambda$ satisfies Axioms 1–7 of this post. $\qed$…
