Mike Cummings Research CV

Theory of Linear Algebra

Math 2R03, Winter 2023

I am the TA for Math 2R03 tutorials. The course webpage is on Avenue, where notes from tutorials will be posted.

Tutorial Schedule

Office Hours

Location: the Math Café (i.e., Hamilton Hall lobby)

Tutorial Structure

Tutorials are a time for problem-solving. The questions we will work through will be directly related to the lecture material and will be very similar to those on assignments.

I encourage participation, particularly coming to tutorial with questions about practice problems, lecture material, and so on.

Exam Review

On April 19, I held a review session for the final exam. I strongly recommend attempting the exercises before looking at the given proof sketches. If you do look at a proof sketch, be sure to fill in the missing details.


Math 2R03 is a course that involves proof writing. Below are some resources that outline good practices for writing mathematics clearly and effectively.