An opening for a post-doctoral fellow is anticipated in Dr. Protas' research group at McMaster University with a start date of August 1, 2024. The focus of this position will be fundamental investigations of extreme behavior, such as potential singularity formation, in fluid flow models using a combination of mathematical analysis and large-scale computations. Expected background involves (ideally, a combination of) theoretical fluid mechanics, large-scale scientific computing (including numerical optimization) and PDE analysis. The position will also involve a limited amount of teaching. Applications should be submitted via (Fellowship ID: McMaster-BPDF [#23758] or McMaster-PDF [#23673]; the advertisements contain further details concerning the opening and the application procedure). Interested candidates may also contact Dr. Protas for additional information.M.Sc./Ph.D. POSITION IN THEORETICAL FLUID MECHANICS
An opening for a graduate student (Master's or Ph.D.) is available in Dr. Protas' research group at McMaster University with a start date of September 1, 2024. The focus of this position is fundamental investigations of extreme behavior, such as potential singularity formation, in fluid flow models using a combination of mathematical analysis and large-scale computations. Expected background involves (ideally, a combination of) theoretical fluid mechanics, large-scale scientific computing (including numerical optimization) and PDE analysis. Details concerning application procedures are available here. Interested candidates may also contact Dr. Protas for additional information.