Welcome to my Homepage!
I am an applied mathematician interested primarily in problems combining the theoretical and computational fluid dynamics with the theory of optimization and control. In addition, I also have a broad interest in applied mathematics and scientific computing. My research is a blend of fundamental investigations in core problems of hydrodynamics and more applied studies relevant for industrial fluid mechanics. I focus on the use of advanced mathematical methods to develop efficient computational algorithms and models useful for studying problems in fluid mechanics. During 2009-2019 I served as the Director of McMaster's School of Computational Science and Engineering. My current administrative responsibilities involve serving as the Chair of the Department.
[Academic Background]
- 2015 - present -- Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster University
- 2009 - 2015 -- Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster University
- 2004 - 2009 -- Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster University
- 2000 - 2003 -- Post-Doctoral Fellow in Flow Control Lab at the University of California, San Diego (USA)
- 1996 - 2000 -- Doctoral studies at the Warsaw University of Technology (Poland) and Université Pierre et Marie Curie (France) [doctorate "en cotutelle"]
- 1990 - 1995 -- Undergraduate studies at the Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)
My complete CV is available here.
[Honours, Awards, and Invitations]
- 2018-2022 -- Visiting Professorship at the University College Dublin (Dublin, Ireland), (8 weeks)
- 2017 -- JSPS Visiting Fellow at Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan), (2 months)
- 2017 -- Visiting Professorship at Laboratoire de Mathématiques Raphaël Salem (Université de Rouen, France), (3 weeks)
- 2015 -- Visiting Professorship at Laboratoire de Mathématiques Raphaël Salem (Université de Rouen, France), (4 weeks)
- 2013 -- Visiting Professorship at Laboratoire de Mathématiques Raphaël Salem (Université de Rouen, France), (4 weeks)
- 2012 -- Visiting Professorship at Institut PPrime (Université de Poitiers, France), (6 weeks)
- 2011 -- Visiting Professorship at the Warsaw University of Technology (Poland), (1 month)
- 2009 -- Visiting Professorship at Université Bordeaux I (France), (1 month)
- 2008 -- Early Researcher Award (ERA)
- 2007 -- Visiting Position with the "Bridging the Gaps" program at the University of Sheffield, UK, (3 weeks)
- 2006 -- Visiting Professorship at Université Pierre et Marie Curie (France), (1 month)
- 2005 -- Visiting Professorship at École Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles (France), (1 month)
- 2003, 2004 -- Visiting Professorship at École Normale Supérieure (France), (6 months)
- 2003 -- SHARCNET Chair in Scientific Computation
- 1998 -- Polish Society for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Best Paper Award
- 1998 -- Foundation for Polish Science Fellowship
[Journal Editorships]
- International Journal of Computer Mathematics (Section B) -- member of Editorial Review Board (2010-2022)
- Journal of Computational Science -- member of Editorial Review Board (2014-present)
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A -- Guest Co-Editor of a theme issue "Mathematical problems in physical fluid dynamics, part 1 and part 2", 2022
- Physica D -- Guest Co-Editor of a special issue "Applied and Computational Complex Analysis in the Study of Nonlinear Phenomena", 2024
[Organization of Events]
- Workshop Vortex Dynamics: the Crossroads of Mathematics, Physics and Applications (The Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics in Hangzhou, China, December 2023)
- Workshop Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations -- perspectives in 2023 (Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge, UK, July 2023)
- Thematic Program on Applied and Computational Complex Analysis (Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge, UK, Fall 2019)
- Workshop on Extreme Events and Criticality in Fluid Mechanics (Fields Institute, April 2019)
- SONAD 2017 (Hamilton, ON)
- 2016 CMS Winter Meeting (Niagara Falls, ON)
- Thematic Program on Multiscale Scientific Computing (Fields Institute, January-April 2016)
- Workshop on Modern Applications of Complex Variables (Banff, AB, January 2015)