

name degree cosupervisor program project
Evan Mitchell Postdoc J. Dushoff, D. J. D. Earn McMaster Math/Bio COVID modeling: impacts of vaccination, game theory
Michael Agronah PhD McMaster CSE Analysis of microbiome data
Roberts Alan PhD McMaster Biology
Greg Forkutza Master’s McMaster Statistics Semi-mechanistic models and Gaussian processes


name degree year (co)supervisor program project position
Darren Flynn-Primrose Postdoc 2023 J. Dushoff, D. J. D. Earn McMaster Math/Bio Epidemic models and graph theory
Jennifer Freeman Master’s 2023 McMaster CSE Spatial patterns of plant recruitment
Jason Pekos Master’s 2023 McMaster CSE Bayesian modeling of plague transmission routes
Irena Papst Postdoc 2022 J. Dushoff, D. J. D. Earn McMaster Math/Bio COVID modeling: vaccination and age structure Senior Scientist, Public Health Risk Sciences Division, Public Health Agency of Canada
Steve Bicko Cygu* PhD 2022 J. Dushoff McMaster CSE Computational inference and prediction in public health
Ali Gharouni Postdoc 2021 J. Dushoff, D. J. D. Earn McMaster Math/Bio Epidemic models (especially COVID-related) Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Ottawa
Elizabeth Hamman Postdoc 2021 M. W. McCoy Tulane University Simulation/estimating parameters for predator-prey functional responses Assistant Professor of Biology, St. Mary’s College of Maryland
Daniel Presta Master’s; u/g thesis 2021; 2019 M. Grasselli McMaster Math Sensitivity and Stability: An Investigation of Stock-Flow Consistent Climate-Economic Models; Investigation of an Extended Climate-Economy Model PhD student in CSE, McMaster
Martin Stelmach Master’s 2021 McMaster CSE Spatial epidemiology of human transmission of whitenose disease in bats Statistician & Programmer, Office of Institutional Research, McMaster University
Kala Studens Master’s 2021 McMaster Statistics Bayesian hierarchical modelling of spruce budworm development Forest Systems Statistician, Natural Resources Canada
Lucas Eckert u/g thesis 2021 McMaster PNB Evolution of accessory glands in fishes PhD student in Biology, McGill University
Queenie Zeng u/g thesis 2021 McMaster Math Incorporating symbolic and automatic differentiation in a general-purpose likelihood optimization function
Jo Werba* PhD 2020 J. Kolasa McMaster Biology Trait-based approaches in aquatic ecology Postdoc, Penn State
Emma Kroell (Holmes) Master’s; u/g thesis 2020; 2019 M. Grasselli McMaster Math Sensitivity analysis of a Keen-based economic model with climate; Modelling the economy and climate together: a two-region model PhD student in financial and actuarial math, Dep’t of Statistical Science, U of Toronto
Morgan Kain PhD 2019 McMaster Biology Modeling virus transmission and evolution in mixed communities USDA APHIS (“Transboundary Disease Analytics within the Center for Epidemiology and Animal Health”)
Michael WZ Li PhD; Master’s 2019; 2015 J. Dushoff McMaster Biology; McMaster Statistics Methods for modeling the spread of infectious disease; Incorporating Temporal Heterogeneity in Hidden Markov Models For Animal Movement Senior Scientist, Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)
Jonny Jarvis u/g thesis 2019 McMaster Math Statistical analysis of the gut microbiome
Sang Woo Park NSERC USRA, u/g thesis 2019 McMaster Math Estimating time-varying transmission rates of the SIR model PhD student in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Princeton
Akram Alyass* PhD 2018 D. Meyre McMaster Health Sciences Leveraging Distribution Quantiles to Detect Gene interactions in the pursuit of personalized medicine Principal Data Scientist, Sagen
Jordyn Walton u/g thesis 2018 McMaster Math Mosquito-bird contact using Approximate Bayesian Computation Data scientist, Deloitte Canada
Dana Karelus* PhD 2017 Madan Oli UF WEC Home ranges, movement patterns, and habitat use of a newly colonized population of Florida black bears (Ursus americanus floridanus) in a fragmented Florida landscape State mammal specialist, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Evan Mitchell Master’s; u/g thesis 2017; 2015 McMaster Math; McMaster Arts & Sciences Network structures and their effect on a stochastic SIRS model of epilepsy EEG data; Applications of time series and nonlinear dynamical techniques to Alzheimer’s EEG data: a meta-analysis Postdoc, McMaster University
Edgar Gonzàlez Postdoc 2016 McMaster Math & Stats Integrated population modeling Associate Professor, Department of Ecology and Natural Resources, Faculty of Sciences, UNAM
Madelon van de Kerk* PhD 2016 Madan Oli UF WEC Understanding dynamics and persistence of the Florida panther population using an individual-based modeling approach Assistant Professor of Wildlife Ecology, Western Colorado University
Dexter Barrows Master’s 2016 McMaster Math A comparative study of techniques for estimation and inference of nonlinear stochastic time series PhD student, Computational biology, Toronto Metropolitan University; Senior Software Developer at SeaSpine
Guillaume Blanchet Postdoc 2015 McMaster Math & Stats Statistical ecology Assistant Professor, Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke
Steve Walker Postdoc 2015 McMaster Math & Stats Statistical ecology Principal Data Scientist, McMaster University (CANMOD project)
Ahsan Batti Master’s 2015 McMaster Statistics Assessing decision rules for stopped cricket games Senior Developer & Data Scientist, Bell
Keya Biswas Master’s 2015 McMaster Statistics Performances of different estimation methods for generalized linear mixed models. Data Analyst, Policy and Sector Collaboration at Council of Ontario Universities
Michael Richard Master’s 2015 McMaster Statistics Determining the size of a galaxy’s globular cluster population through imputation of incomplete data with measurement uncertainty Lead, Development Analytics at Tim Hortons
Michael Birch NSERC USRA 2015 McMaster Math Evolutionary stability of minimal mutation rates in an evo-epidemiological model Founder and Senior Software Engineer at Type-Driven Consulting
Matthew Blackshaw u/g thesis 2014 A. Sévigny McMaster Arts & Sciences Infectious language: an exploration of loanwords in English and French Junior Policy Analyst at Emploi et Développement social Canada (EDSC) / Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
Vivek Thampi Master’s 2013 McMaster Statistics Backwards bifurcations in within host hepatitis models Statistical Support Scientist, Apotex Inc
Aaron Berk NSERC USRA 2013 McMaster Math Deconvolution of spatial point patterns Postdoc, McGill University in compressed sensing and machine learning
Rachel Charney u/g thesis 2013 S. Balshine McMaster PNB Persistence of an invasive fish (Neogobius melanostomus) in a contaminated ecosystem Associate at Fasken, Toronto (law)
Alan Wong NSERC USRA 2013 McMaster Math Common principal component analysis Pharmacist (PharmD), Shoppers Drug Mart
Mollie Brooks PhD 2012 UF Biology Four permutations of growth, reproduction, and survival Senior Researcher, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), National Institute of Aquatic Resources
Claire Danukarjanto u/g thesis 2012 S. Balshine McMaster PNB The cost of parental care for plainfin midshipman Porichthys notatus as quantified through gut analysis Physician assistant, McMaster University
Zy Biesinger PhD 2011 W. Lindberg UF Biology Quantifying the relationships among habitat, behavior and performance of gag, Mycteroperca microlepis Research Scientist, US Fish & Wildlife Service
Swati Debroy PhD 2011 M. Martcheva UF Math Hepatitis C infection in the human liver: Viral dynamics, treatment and related side-effects Associate Director of Pharmacometrics, Certara
Carolina Perez-Heydrich* PhD 2010 Madan Oli UF WEC Ecological investigations of mycoplasmal upper respiratory tract disease in natural populations of threatened gopher tortoises Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences and Director of Undergraduate Research, Meredith College
Jada White PhD 2010 C. Osenberg UF Biology Indirect effects of a marine ecosystem engineer alter the abundance and distribution of foundation coral species Fisheries Biologist, Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
John Poulsen PhD 2009 C. Chapman UF Biology Logging and hunting alter patterns of seed dispersal and seedling recruitment in an Afrotropical forest Global Directory of Science Capacity, The Nature Conservancy
Greg Babbitt PhD 2006 R. Kimball UF Zoology Characterization of the distribution of developmental instability Associate Professor of Life Sciences, Rochester Institute of Technology
Toshinori Okuyama PhD 2006 UF Biology Maintenance of intraguild predation in jumping spiders Associate Professor of Entomology, National Taiwan University
Claudia Romero PhD 2006 D. Jones UF Biology Tree responses to stem damage Adjunct Professor, University of Florida (conservation biology)
Francisco De Castro Postdoc 2005 UF Biology Disease dynamics in amphibian populations Senior Scientific Officer, Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, Belfast

Starred (*) names: I was a committee member, not a (co)supervisor. These people are listed because we worked together intensively and co-authored papers.