Adam Van TuylDepartment of Mathematics and StatisticsMcMaster University Hamilton, ON, Canada L8S 4L8 |
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Programs for Double Points in P1 x P1 |
In my paper
The minimal resolutions of double points in P1 x
with ACM support
(with E. Guardo)
J. Pure Appl. Algebra 211 (2007) 784-800.
As promised in the paper (Section 5) this algorithm has been implemented into the computer algebra systems CoCoA and Macaulay 2. You can find the code below, plus a sample output.
Feel free to borrow and change the code.
CoCoA code
The following code has been checked on CoCoA 4.5.
------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- ResZ(L) -- Resolution of double points In P1 x P1 with ACM support -- -- L is a partition describing ACM support -- These calculations are purely combinatorial And Do Not depend -- upon Grobner Basis Calculations -- -- L:=[L1,L2,...,Ln] is a list with L1 >= L2 >= ... -- -- The algorithm is based upon the paper: -- "The Minimal Resolutions of Double Points In P^1 x P^1 -- with ACM support" -- by Elena Guardo And Adam Van Tuyl -- ----------------------------------------------------------- Define ResZ(L) -- Step 0: Verify For Valid Input If (Check(L) = False) Then PrintLn "Input must be a list of nonincreasing integers"; PrintLn "For example, L:=[5,4,4,2,1]"; Return(0); End; -- Values used throughout program Lambda1:=L[1]; R:=Len(L); DegMat:=NewMat(R,Lambda1,1); For I:=1 To R Do For J:=1 To Lambda1 Do If J <= L[I] Then DegMat[I,J]:=2; End; End; End; --Step 1: Find the bigraded Betti numbers of the completion Y SY0:=[[2*R,0],[R,Lambda1],[0,2*Lambda1]]; For J:=2 To R Do If (L[J]-L[J-1] < 0) Then SY0:=Concat(SY0,[[J-1,Lambda1+L[J]],[J+R-1,L[J]]]); End; End; SY1:=[[2*R,L[R]],[R,Lambda1+L[R]]]; For J:=2 To R Do If (L[J]-L[J-1] < 0) Then SY1:=Concat(SY1,[[J-1,Lambda1+L[J-1]],[J+R-1,L[J-1]]]); End; End; --Step 2: Locate the corners BC:=[]; For I:=2 To R Do If (L[I]-L[I-1] <0) Then Append(BC,[I,L[I]+1]); End; End; SortBy(BC,Function("LexCompare")); C:=[]; For I:=1 To (Len(BC)-1) Do For J:=(I+1) To Len(BC) Do Append(C,[BC[I][1],BC[J][2]]); End; End; C:=Concat(C,BC); SortBy(C,Function("LexCompare")); -- Step 3: Compute bigraded Betti numbers SZ0:=[]; -- Degrees of the generators SZ1:=[]; -- Degrees of the first syzygies SZ2:=[]; -- Degrees of the second syzygies For L:= 1 To Len(C) Do I:=C[L][1]; J:=C[L][2]; UIJ:=Sum([DegMat[K,J] | K In 1..(I-1)]); VIJ:=Sum([DegMat[I,K] | K In 1..(J-1)]); AIJ:=Sum([DegMat[K,J] | K In I..R]); BIJ:=Sum([DegMat[I,K] | K In J..Lambda1]); Append(SZ0,[UIJ,VIJ]); Append(SZ1,[UIJ+AIJ,VIJ]); Append(SZ1,[UIJ,VIJ+BIJ]); Append(SZ2,[UIJ+AIJ,VIJ+BIJ]); DegMat:=RewriteDegMat(DegMat,I,J); End; -- Step 4: Output the bigraded Betti numbers PrintLn "--Degrees of 0th Syzygies --"; SZ0:=Concat(SZ0,SY0); SortBy(SZ0,Function("LexCompare")); PrintLn SZ0; PrintLn "--Degrees of 1st Syzygies --"; SZ1:=Concat(SZ1,SY1); SortBy(SZ1,Function("LexCompare")); PrintLn SZ1; PrintLn "--Degrees of 2nd Syzygies --"; SortBy(SZ2,Function("LexCompare")); PrintLn SZ2; End; -- ResZ |
To use this code, you will also need to input the following scripts.
-- Check(L) - Check verifies that the input is valid ------- Define Check(L) If (Type(L) <> LIST) Then Return(False); End; C:=True; For I:=1 To Len(L)-1 Do If L[I] < L[I+1] Then C:=False; End; End; Return(C); End; -- RewriteDegMat - RewriteDegMat changes the DegMatrix at each step Define RewriteDegMat(DegMat,I,J) A:=Len(DegMat); B:=Len(DegMat[1]); For M:=1 To A Do For N:=1 To B Do If (M >= I) And (N >= J) Then DegMat[M,N]:=0; End; End; End; Return(DegMat); End; -- RewriteDegMat -- LexCompare is a sorting function ----------------- Define LexCompare(S,T) If S[1] > T[1] Then Return(True); Else If (S[1]=T[1]) And (S[2] > T[2]) Then Return(True); Else Return(False); End; End; End; -- LexCompare |
Here is a sample input and output. Our example is the same as the example in the paper.
ResZ([6,5,3,1]); --Degrees of 0th Sygygies -- [[10, 0], [8, 1], [7, 3], [6, 5], [6, 2], [5, 6], [5, 4], [4, 6], [4, 6], [3, 8], [3, 7], [2, 10], [2, 9], [1, 11], [0, 12]] --Degrees of 1st Sygygies -- [[10, 1], [8, 3], [8, 2], [7, 5], [7, 4], [6, 6], [6, 6], [6, 4], [5, 7], [5, 6], [5, 6], [4, 8], [4, 8], [4, 7], [3, 10], [3, 9], [3, 9], [2, 11], [2, 11], [1, 12]] --Degrees of 2nd Sygygies -- [[8, 4], [7, 6], [6, 7], [5, 8], [4, 9], [3, 11]] |
Macaulay 2 Code
The following code has been checked on Macaulay 2 version 0.9.8.
-- doublePts is a M2 implementation of the algorthim -- described in the paper of Guardo-Van Tuyl (2006) doublePts = l -> ( sy0 = {(2*#l,0),(#l,first l),(0,2*first l)}; sy1 = {(2*#l,last l),(#l,first l + last l)}; C0 ={}; for k from 1 to #l-1 do ( if (l_k - l_(k-1) < 0) then ( sy0 = join (sy0, {(k,first l + l_k), (k+#l,l_k)}); sy1 = join (sy1, {(k,first l + l_(k-1)),(k+#l,l_(k-1))}); C0 = join (C0, {(k+1,l_k+1)}); ); ); C0 = rsort C0; C1 ={}; for k1 from 0 to #C0-2 do( for k2 from k1+1 to #C0-1 do( C1 = join(C1, {((C0_k1)_0,(C0_k2)_1)}); ); ); C = rsort(join(C0,C1)); M = {}; for i from 0 to #l-1 do ( v = {}; for j from 0 to first l -1 do ( if j < l_i then v = join(v,{2}) else v = join(v,{1}); ); M = join(M,{v}); ); M = matrix M; sz0 = sy0; sz1 = sy1; sz2 = {}; for t from 0 to #C -1 do ( i = (C_t)_0; j = (C_t)_1; uij = sum toList apply(0..i-2, k -> M_(k,j-1)); vij = sum toList apply(0..j-2, k -> M_(i-1,k)); aij = sum toList apply((i-1)..(#l -1), k-> M_(k,j-1)); bij = sum toList apply((j-1)..(first l-1), k-> M_(i-1,k)); sz0 = join(sz0, {(uij,vij)}); sz1 = join(sz1, {(uij+aij,vij),(uij,vij+bij)}); sz2 = join(sz2, {(uij+aij,vij+bij)}); MP={}; for a from 0 to (#l-1) do ( v = {}; for b from 0 to (first l -1) do ( if ((a >= i-1) and (b >=j-1)) then v = join(v,{0}) else v= join(v,{M_(a,b)}); ); MP = join(MP,{v}); ); M = matrix MP; ); print "--Degrees of the 0th syzygies:--"; print sort sz0; print "--Degrees of the 1st syzygies--"; print sort sz1; print "--Degrees of the 2nd syzygies--"; print sort sz2; ); |
i2 : doublePts(6,5,3,1,1); --Degrees of the 0th syzygies:-- {(0, 12), (1, 11), (2, 9), (2, 10), (3, 7), (3, 8), (4, 6), (4, 6), (5, 4), (5, 6), (6, 2), (6, 5), (7, 3), (8, 1), (10, 0)} --Degrees of the 1st syzygies-- {(1, 12), (2, 11), (2, 11), (3, 9), (3, 9), (3, 10), (4, 7), (4, 8), (4, 8), (5, 6), (5, 6), (5, 7), (6, 4), (6, 6), (6, 6), (7, 4), (7, 5), (8, 2), (8, 3), (10, 1)} --Degrees of the 2nd syzygies-- {(3, 11), (4, 9), (5, 8), (6, 7), (7, 6), (8, 4)} |