CCMA I(maginaries) ================== Outline ------- * CCM * CCMA * gEI * notEI CCM --- A sort for each compact complex manifold; relations for analytic subsets (locally defined by vanishing of holomorphic \C-valued functions on polydiscs). QE, EI; tt, fRM, Z. Chow: analytic subsets of P^n(\C) are precisely the Zariski closed sets in the sense of AG. Corollary: The structure induced on \A^1 := \P^1 \\ {\infty} is precisely that of the complex field. TA and CCMA (5:00) ----------- T complete theory. T_\s := Th({ | M |= T, \s : M --> M endomorphism}) TA := model companion = theory of existentially closed models of T_\s if such exists. Facts: Suppose TA exists. Then: * acl^{TA}(C) = acl_\s(C) := acl^T(\Cup_{i\in\Z})\s^i(C)) * QE: for C=acl_\s(C), qftp^{TA}(C) |= tp^{TA}(C) * T (super)stable => TA (super)simple CCMA exists, -- SKIPME? axiomatised by: * CCM_\s; * given X (= Y x Y^\s, X and Y closed irreducible, <--- Fact: this is 1st order. co-ord projections dominant, X' (= X proper closed, then (X \\ X') \cap \Gamma_\s != \0 Holomorphic dynamics: X CCM, f : X --> X holomorphic automorphism (or bimeromorphism, or self-correspondence); (X;f)^# := { x \in X | \s(x) = f(x) } finite-dimensional defble set in CCMA. Theorem: Zilber dichotomy for finite-dimensional minimal types in CCMA: any such is either one-based or is almost internal to Fix(\s) \cap \P^1. (Proof: CBP via jet spaces) Proved for *real* types, but imaginary types can come up in an analysis... Imaginaries in TA (15:00) ----------------- Suppose T superstable with EI and TA exists. Theorem [Hrushovski]: TFAE: (i) TA has EI (ii) T "eliminates finite groupoid imaginaries" (iii) T has "3-uniqueness": Given b, and {a_0,a_1,a_2} independent over b\in\acl(a_i), (i.e. a_i \|/_b a_ja_k) acl(a_1a_2) \cap dcl( acl(a_0a_1), acl(a_0a_2) ) = \dcl( acl(a_1), acl(a_2) ) Remark: if acl(b) |= T, 3-uniqueness holds by coheiring. So e.g. ACFA has EI. Fact [Hrushovski]: TA has gEI (imaginaries are interalgebraic with reals) notEI (25:00) ----- Theorem: CCM does not have 3-uniqueness, so CCMA does not have EI. Idea: Let X --> B be a principal C*-bundle (so have definable principal action of C* on fibres). In monster model: b \in *B generic; a_0,a_1,a_2 \in *X_b generic independent / b; let \ph \in (a_2/a_1)^{1/n} \in *C*. Now (a_2/a_1)^{1/n} = ((a_2/a_0)(a_0/a_1))^{1/n} = (a_2/a_0)^{1/n} * (a_0/a_1)^{1/n}, so \ph \in \dcl( \acl(a_0a_1), acl(a_0a_2) ). So done unless \ph \in \dcl( \acl(a_1), \acl(a_2) ). Now \ph \notin \dcl(a_1,a_2) = \dcl(a_1,\ph^n) since \ph \notin \dcl(\ph^n). So STS \acl(a_i) = \dcl(a_i). So want X --> B defble C*-bundle s.t. a \in *X generic => acl(a) = dcl(a); i.e. any dominant generically finite X' --> X has a generic section. Finite covers of C*-bundles: (I) C* === C* . | . | v fin v X' ..> X . | . | v v B' --> B fin (II) Quotient by action of nth roots of unity on fibres. [n] C* --> C* | . | . v v X' ..> X | . | . v v B === B Fact: Holomorphic C*-bundles over B are classified by first cohomology group of sheaf of local holomorphic C*-valued functions, H^1(\O_B^*), and (II) corresponds to multiplication by n in this group. Fact: Exists simply connected strongly minimal smooth compact (K3) surface B with H^1(\O_B^*) ~= \Z Let X --> B correspond to generator of H^1(\O_B^*). B s.c. s.m. => no non-trivial finite B' --> B; B s.m. => X has no ramified finite covers, => any cover has to be as in (II) but no such exist since [X] \in H^1(\O_B^*) not divisible. Explicitly, the following imaginary is not eliminable: X \cap Fix(\s) with x E x' iff \pi(x) = \pi(x') and (x'/x)^{1/2} (= Fix(\s) Proof: Let b \in *B generic with \s(b)=b; let x \in *X_b generic with \s(x)=x. Since acl_\s(x) = acl(x) = dcl(x) and acl_\s(b) = acl(b) = dcl(b), by the QE, tp(x/\acl_\s(b)) is determined by "x is generic in *X_b and \s(x) = x". So x/E \in \acl^{TA}^{eq}(b) \\ \acl^{TA}(b).