Lecture schedule for Math 4GR3
Here is a rough outline of the material we intend to cover; all lectures will be recorded and posted on the course Avenue page.
  1. Week 1, Jan. 10 - 13, some review of group theory, free abelian groups, fundamental theorem of finite abelian groups, solvable groups - Chapter 13, Judson

  2. Week 2, Jan. 17 - 20, continuation of work on abelian groups

  3. Week 3, Jan. 24 - 27,  group actions, class equation - Chapter 14, Judson

  4. Week 4, Jan. 31 - Feb. 3, cont'd, Chapter 14

  5. Week 5, Feb. 7 - Feb. 10,  Sylow theorems and applications, Chapter 15

  6. Week 6, Feb. 14 - 17, cont'd, Chapter 15 - midterm test, Feb. 17

  7. Week 7, Feb. 28 - Mar. 3; some review of rings and fields, Chapter 16 - 17

  8. Week 8, Mar. 7 - 10, integral domains, factorization, Chapter 18

  9. Week 9, Mar. 14 - 17, principal ideal domains, Noetherian rings

  10. Week 10, Mar. 21 - 24, polynomials in many variables, Hilbert Nullstellensatz

  11. Week 11, Mar. 28 - 31, catch-up, presentations begin

  12. Week 12, Apr. 4 - 11, more class presentations