require(coda) ## a fairly general Metropolis-Hastings sampler ## this code assumes that the proposal distribution is symmetric <- function (theta, fun, niter, thin = 1, burnin = 0, progress = FALSE, rprop = NULL) { if (inherits(theta,'mcmc')) { nm <- colnames(theta) en <- end(theta) theta <- theta[nrow(theta),] names(theta) <- nm } else { en <- 0 } if (is.null(rprop)) rprop <- function(x)runif(n=length(x),min=x-10,max=x+10) chain <- matrix( nrow=as.integer(niter), ncol=length(theta), dimnames=list(NULL,names(theta)) ) f <- fun(theta) k <- 1 # step in the chain nsave <- 0 # number of values saved so far nprop <- 0 # number of proposals made nacpt <- 0 # number of proposals accepted if (progress) { # do some progress-bar-related stuff pb <- txtProgressBar(title="",label="progress",style=3) npb <- floor((burnin+niter)/100) } while (nsave < niter) { <- rprop(theta) # propose a new parameter <- fun( nprop <- nprop+1 alpha <- # Metropolis' rule (since proposal is symmetric) if ((alpha>=1)||(runif(1)burnin)&&(k%%thin==0)) { nsave <- nsave+1 chain[nsave,] <- theta } if (progress&&(k%%npb==0)) setTxtProgressBar(pb,value=k/(niter*thin+burnin)) } if (progress) close(pb) cat("acceptance fraction = ",nacpt/nprop,"\n") mcmc(data=chain,thin=thin,start=burnin+en+1) # store the result in a CODA object }