Jim Zidek - 2000 Gold Medallist. [#38]

Jim Zidek receives the Gold Medal from Jane Gentleman. Photo - L. Cowen [#42]

Radu Theodorescu, new Honorary Member. [#37]

Radu Theodorescu. Photo - L. Cowen [#43]

Yong You, 1999 Pierre Robillard Award winner. [#40]

Yong You (R) with his thesis supervisor, J.N.K. Rao, Carleton University. [#41]

Jerry Lawless (L) presents the SSC/CRM Award to Rob Tibshirani. [#27]

Rob Tibshirani. [#28]

Yong You receives the 1999 Pierre Robillard Award from Mary Lesperance. [#29]

Radu Theodorescu with his wife, Marie-Josée Michiels. [#30]

Reg Kulperger presents the 1999 Canadian Journal of Statistics Award to Edmund Ng and Richard Cook. Photo - L. Cowen [#45]

Some of the Biostatistics Travel Award winners. Back, L to R: Xiaogang Wang (UBC), Bingshu Chen (Waterloo), Jeff Bakal (Queen's). Front, L to R: Yinshan Zhao (UBC), Jason Loeppky (SFU), Zhenguo Qiu (York). [#31]

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