STATISTICS 4M03/6M03: Test #2
20 November 2003
Students may bring and use any calculators, tables, books or notes.
Text problems are from Srivastava, Methods of Multivariate Statistics.
[8] 1. Text Problem 2.9.10, pages 51-52.
[11] 2. Text Problem 2.9.25, pages 54-55.
[8] 3. Text Problem 4.9.1, page 144.
[8] 4. Apply the multivariate test derived in Problem 4.9.1 to the following 5 bivariate observations, with C = (1, -1) and m0 = (m0, m0)'. Show that the result is the same as doing a 2-sided paired t-test to compare the mean of A with the mean of B.
A: 12 23 8 15 25
B: 9 21 9 17 21