Please let me know of any errors or omissions!
Terms we have not yet used are in green.
Histogram, stem-and-leaf plot, dot diagram, box plot, comparative box plots, scatter plot, scatter plot matrix, coded data, sample median, sample mean, sample variance, sample standard deviation, hinges, quartiles, hinge spread, interquartile range, inner fence, outer fence, outliers, exploratory data analysis.
Time series plot, trend, seasonality, independence, autocorrelation, lag-1 scatterplot, lag-2 scatterplot, smoothing.
Probability, random variable, sample space, probability density function, probability mass function, cumulative distribution function, mean, variance, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, continuity correction, degrees of freedom, skewness.
Binomial, Poisson, geometric, normal, standard normal, exponential, chi-square, t, F. Know their properties, graphs, tables, and applications. Know the relationships between them.
Univariate, bivariate, multivariate, covariance, correlation, (Pearson's) correlation coefficient, independence, (co)variance matrix, correlation matrix.
Parameter, statistic, sampling distribution, central limit theorem, standard error, point estimate, unbiased estimate, pivotal quantity, confidence interval, test of hypothesis, (null) hypothesis, alternative (hypothesis), simple hypothesis, composite hypothesis, one-tailed test, two-tailed test, statistically significant, level of significance, alpha, beta, test statistic, reference distribution, critical value, rejection region, type I error, type II error, power, operating characteristic, P-value, robustness, homoscedastic, heteroscedastic, nuisance parameter.
Sign test, Chi-square test for contingency tables.
One-way (one-factor) ANOVA, two-way (two-factor) ANOVA, grand mean, factor, main effect, interaction, interaction plot, sum of squares, mean square, F-ratio, degrees of freedom, residual, regression, simple linear regression, multiple regression, regression coefficients, regression line, intercept, slope, regression surface, conditional variance, pure error.
Randomized single-factor design, randomized complete block design, factorial experiments, design points, balanced design, 2k factorial design, blocking and confounding.