McMaster University

Graduate Program in Statistics


Zenghu Li
Beijing Normal University
Date :Wednesday March 17, 2004.
Time : 3:00pm
Address Hamilton Hall
Room: 217
Skew Convolution Semigroups and Stochastic Interest Rates
There have been some efforts directed to the unification of branching processes with immigration and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes. An analytic approach is provided in Duffie at al (Ann. Appl. Probab. 2003), where the so-called regular affine process is introduced and their financial applications are discussed. Another way is to use the concept of skew convolution semigroups as in Dawson and Li (Potent. Anal. 2004), which is motivated by the study of population models and their fluctuation limits. Both of those approaches simplify the existing theory on the relevant processes in the literature and provide insights into the connections between them. In this talk, we give a brief introduction of the recent progress in this topic.
About the Speaker
Dr. Zenghu Li is a Professor of Beijing Normal University. His research is in the broad area of measure-valued processes. He is well known for the joint work with T. Shiga of Japan and Dr L. Yao on the reversibility of Fleming-Viot process.

Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Graduate Program in Statistics

This page is maintained by Angelo Canty,
Last updated on February 11, 2004