Dr. Thabane is a biostatistician at the Center for Evaluation of Medicines.
He is also a clinical trial methodologist with interests in various areas
that include nephrology, cancer research, respiratory, cardiology, to
mention a few. His areas of statistics research interests include regression
models, multivariate analysis, clinical trials, Bayesian & non-Bayesian
inference, decision analysis, meta-analysis, design & analysis of experiments,
prediction analysis and statistical consulting.
Dr. Thabane did his PhD studies in Statistics (1994 -1998) in the
Department of Statistical & Actuarial Sciences at the University of Western
Ontario, Canada and MSc in Statistics (1992-1993) in the Department of
Probability and Statistics at Sheffield University, England. He obtained his
BSc (1986-1990) from the National University of Lesotho. Dr. Thabane comes
to his present position from St. Francis Xavier University (STFXU), Nova
Scotia where he was Assistant Professor (tenure-track) from 1999-2001. While
at STFXU he held various administrative positions as a University Senate
Committee member. Prior to this, Dr. Thabane also held Assistant
Professorship position (1998-1999) and Lecturership position (1997-1998) in
the Department of Statistical & Actuarial Sciences at the University of
Western Ontario.