Hypothesis Tests of Convergence in Markov Chain Monte Carlo

Angelo J. Canty


Deciding when a Markov chain has reached its stationary distribution is a major problem in applications of Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods. Many methods have been proposed ranging from simple graphical methods to complicated numerical methods. Most such methods require a lot of user interaction with the chain which can be very tedious and time-consuming for a slowly mixing chain. This article describes a system to reduce the burden on the user in assessing convergence. The method uses simple nonparametric hypothesis testing techniques to examine the output of several independent chains and so determines whether there is any evidence against the hypothesis of convergence. We illustrate the proposed method on some examples from the literature.

Keywords: Convergence diagnostic; Gibbs sampler; Nonparametric test; Permutation test.

This article was published in the Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics(1999), 8, 93-108.

This page is maintained by Angelo Canty, cantya@mcmaster.ca
Last updated on July 23, 2001