Home Page for Math 3E03: Introduction to Abstract Algebra 2006-2007

Textbook:  A first course in Abstract Algebra,  3rd edition, J. J. Rotman, Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Course objective: To understand the fundamental properties of groups, with an appreciation
for some of their applications.

Instructor: Dr. D. Haskell, HH316, ext.27244
Course meeting time: TRF 8:30 - 9:20
E-mail: haskell@math.mcmaster.ca
Office hours: M 13:00-14:30,  F 9:30-11:00

Course requirements, in brief (consult the  course information sheet  for more detailed information).
Homework: 18%
Attendance: 2%
Midterm I: 15%
Midterm II: 15%
Final: 50%


14 December 2006 A practice exam for the final (Mon, Dec 11, 9:00-12:00) is available here. The review session will be on Thursday, Dec 7, 13:00-14:30 in BSB 104. Come prepared! - this is a time for you to ask questions. I will also hold office hours on Monday Dec 4 13:00-14:30 and Wednesday Dec 6 13:00-14:30. I will be unable to hold office hours on Friday Dec 8. Solutions to Homework 6 are posted below.

17 November 2006 Office hours on Monday Nov 21 are cancelled, as I will be out of town.

9 November 2006 Midterm II is  on Thursday, Nov. 16. It will cover Sections 2.4 through 2.6. as well as equivalence relations. The structure of the test will be very similar to that of Midterm I, but somewhat shorter. Note that solutions to Homeworks 3 and 4 are now posted.

17 October 2006 I will hold extra office hours (in preparation for the midterm) Wednesday, Oct 18, 13:00-14:30.

15 October 2006 Solutions for Homework 2 are now posted. Note that there is a mistake in 2.35, in the calculation of the sign of the permutation. The puzzle cannot be won.

12 October 2006 Midterm I is  on Thursday, Oct 19. It will include everything in the course so far up to the end of Section 2.4.  For your reference, I have posted here a copy of the first midterm I gave in Math 3E03 two years ago.

12 October 2006 Due to meetings that I unfortunately have to attend, office hours on Friday, 13 October will end at 10:30, and on Monday, Oct 16, 23, 30, will begin at 13:30 and continue until 14:45.

6 October 2006 Assignment 2 may be resubmitted. Please hand it to me in my office by Thursday, October 12, 9:30 am.

2 October 2006 The midterm dates announced on the course outline are not correct. The dates given in the calendar below are (currently) correct. The first midterm will be on Thursday, October 19. Assignment

Assignment dates and midterm dates are still tentative. Actual test dates and assignment due dates will be announced in class and posted on this website at least one week in advance.

Homework due dates are tentative and subject to change.

Homework 1: 
sec 1.1 p15: 1.5, 1.11
sec 1.3 p53: 1.50, 1.54, 1.55(i), 1.56
sec 1.5 p74: 1.78, 1.87, 1.88
Challenge problems: 1.23, 1.67, 1.82
Due Tuesday, 19 September
Homework 1 Solutions

Homework 2:
sec 2.1 p105: 2.11, 2.16
sec 2.2 p123: 2.23, 2.26, 2.31, 2.33, 2.35
sec 2.3 p146: 2.37, 2.38
Challenge problems: 2.20, 2.29
Due Tuesday, 3 October
Homework 2 Solutions

Homework 3:
sec 2.3 p146: 2.40, 2.42, 2.48, 2.51
sec 2.4 p158: 2.53, 2.54, 2.57, 2.60

Challenge problems: 2.46, 2.63
Due Tuesday, 17 October
Homework 3 Solutions

Homework 4:
sec 2.1 p106: 2.18
sec 2.5 p169: 2.68, 2.73, 2.75, 2.80, 2.84, 2.86, 2.87
Challenge problems: 2.92, 2.94
Due Tuesday, 31 October
Homework 4 Solutions

Homework 5:
sec 2.6 p190: 2.96, 2.98, 2.99, 2.102, 2.104, 2.106
Challenge problem: 2.113
Due Tuesday, 14 November
Homework 5 Solutions

Homework 6:
sec 2.7 p206: 2.116, 2.118, 2.121, 2.122, 2.127, 2.134
Challenge problem: 2.131
Due Tuesday, 28 November
Homework 6 Solutions

Planned course schedule (subject to revision):  

BE PREPARED:  Read the scheduled sections of the textbook before the class. Time is allotted on Thursdays for discussion of the assigned reading and problems. 


 Tuesday  Reading
 Thursday Friday
Challenge Problems
Sept 4-8

sec 1.3 greatest common divisor 1.5,1.11
Sept 11-15 sec1.3 greatest common divisor sections 1.1 and 1.2
problems 1.1, 1.28, 1.46
sec 1.5 congruences
1.67, 1.82
Sept 18-22
sec 2.1 functions: injective/surjective
sec 2.1 pp. 84-98
problems 1.77,  2.1
sec 2.2 permutations
Sept 25-29
sec 2.2 permutations p.119 ex 2.36
problem 2.21
sec 2.3 groups-definition
Oct 2-6
sec 2.3 groups-examples
pp.133-135 thm 2.49 problem 2.36 except vi, vii 
sec 2.3 groups - symmetry
Oct 9-13 sec 2.4 subgroups - definition, examples

problem 2.52

sec 2.4 subgroups - cosets, Lagrange's theorem 2.53,2.54,2.57,2.60
Oct 16-20
sec 2.1 equivalence relations

sec 2.4 revisited
Oct 23-27
sec 2.5 homomorphisms
p167 quaternions, example 2.98

problem 2.64 i-vi
sec 2.5 normal subgroups
2.68, 2.73, 2.75, 2.80, 2.84, 2.86, 2.87 2.92, 2.94
Oct 30 - Nov 3
sec 2.6 quotient groups
pp 171-174
problem 2.64 vii-x
problem 2.95 i-iii
sec 2.6 quotient groups - examples
2.96, 2.98, 2.99, 2.102, 2.104, 2.106 2.113
Nov 6-10
sec 2.6  first homomorphism thm
pp 174-177
problem 2.95 iv-x
sec 2.6 2nd and 3rd homom thms

Nov 13-17
sec 2.7 Cayley's theorem

sec 2.7 group actions
2.116, 2.118, 2.121, 2.122, 2.127, 2.134 2.131
Nov 20-24
sec 2.7 class eqn and corollaries
pp 203-206
problem 2.114
sec 6.1 direct sums

Nov 27-Dec 1
sec 6.1 primary decomposition
sec 6.1 basis theorem